A Day in Paradise: Bako National Park

Entrance to Bako National Park
Mangroves on the way to Bako. This was on the way out. Most of these trees were halfway underwater when we came in.
The first wildlife to greet us were mudskippers! These adorable fish use their pelvic fins like crutches and “row” with their other fins. If the conditions are right, they can stay out of the water for up to 2 days at a time!
A male macaque shows off his teeth as a threat display. This photo was taken from a distance.
The Lintang trails seems easier since it starts with a boardwalk. Don’t let this fool you!
I have no photos of the proboscis monkeys, so enjoy this crested lizard instead. Check out how long its tail is!
View from the beach at the end of Paku trail.
Bearded pig by Headquarters
One of the many hermit crabs hanging around
The best sighting of the day: a calogo (flying lemur). The Sunda flying lemur (Galeopterus variegatus) isn’t a lemur and doesn’t fly, but it is a super rare animal. We got to see two!