Vanilla: a Sweet Flavor with a Sticky History

It would be hard to imagine a modern world without vanilla. Vanilla is one of the world’s most popular scents and flavors. It has been used for centuries, and the demand for vanilla far exceeds natural production. In fact, it is estimated that roughly 18,000 metric tons of vanilla flavor is produced annually, much of

I Like Big Invertebrates, and I Cannot Lie

How do they say it? Everything is bigger in Borneo! At least, that is how I felt when I saw some of the invertebrate species during my time in Sarawak. Below are a few of the species I could identify. Giant Golden Orbweaver (Nephila pilipes)  I missed out on seeing some of the cool spiny

Of Poop and Parasites: Rafflesia

In the rainforests of southeast Asia, the largest flower species in the world can be found along the forest floor or climbing up vines: Rafflesia. Rafflesia is a genus of around 41 species of parasitic plants, almost all of which are threatened or endangered. The largest flower ever recorded was just over 4 feet in

A Day in Paradise: Bako National Park

Just outside of Kuching, Bako National Park is a popular tourist destination in Sarawak. It was protected in 1957, making it Sarawak’s oldest national park. While Bako is small for Asian National Park standards, it still delivers in scenery, flora, and fauna. The area contains a lot of limestone which has been carved away by

A Better Guide to Yellow, Stripey Things

Did you know? Maryland has over 1,200 documented wasp species, many of which are super tiny and exist around you without you realizing they are there. I have spent the last 20 years working with wildlife and unlearning a lot of harmful stereotypes I grew up with (snakes are dangerous/spider bites cause major medical issues/

Fireflies of Arden

There is something magical about a warm summer night punctuated by the soft glow of fireflies. I have many fond memories of running barefoot in my Baltimore neighborhood, gleefully catching fireflies and wishing I could harness their light for myself. Unfortunately, in some areas, that childhood pastime is being lost due to the decline of

Giant, Flying Spiders

This week, I have been combatting the clickbait news which has made it seem like giant, venomous spiders are going to drop from the sky. Here are a few things to note: Here is what is true: To provide some more context, ballooning, also known as kiting, is a method by which spiders and some

Embracing Free Bird Food

As I was driving along the highway this past weekend, I was struck by the number of eastern tent caterpillar tents along the road. It seems like this year is going to be a BIG year for them in Maryland. Worry, not! You might be called upon by friends, neighbors, and contacts in regards to

Give it Up for the Ground Nesters

Here in Maryland, we are in the beginning throes of ground-nesting bee season. You might be surprised to learn that there are over 440 species of bees that have been documented in Maryland and that most of them nest in the ground. When most people think of a bee, they envision the honeybee which has

Slimy Season: Spotted Salamander Edition

This week, I finally got to check off a life list item: see spotted salamanders in their annual breeding frenzy. For years, I have gone out either too early or too late and/or had this pesky thing called ‘work’ derail my plans. When I saw the predicted forecast of a warm, rainy night, I jumped