Upcoming Events
Note: I provide my programs free of charge to organizations, and any fees go directly to the hosting organization. To help provide these programs free or at low cost, please consider helping me purchase supplies through Amazon. Thanks!
March 5th, 2025– Croaks, Peeps, and Color: Exploring the World of Amphibian Communication; Free Webinar! 7:00-8:00 pm ET On Zoom through the Southern Maryland Audubon Society. Info here.
March 11th, 2025– Intro to Ephemeral Wildflowers & iNaturalist Training. 7:00-8:30 pm ET on Zoom. Register here.
March 20th, 2025- Wild Sex: How Nature Does It. In-person talk. 6:00-7:30 pm ET. Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center (CBEC). Part of the Critters and Cocktails series. Register here.
March 22nd, 2025- Basic Plant Identification Workshop. In-person. Learn the basics of plant identification with this 3-hour introductory workshop. We’ll have a heavy focus on tree ID and will head outside for a portion of the session. Adkins Arboretum. $30 for members/ $40 for non-members. Register here.
March 29th, 2025- STEM Like a Girl event @ Allegany High School in Cumberland, MD. 10:00-3:00 pm ET.
May 4-10th, 2025: Amphibian Week.
May 15, 2025: Wild Sex: How Nature Does It. In-person talk. 6:00-7:30 pm ET. Irvine Nature Center. Part of the Eat, Drink, and Learn series. Member $55 per person; Non-member $65 per person. Register here.
June 4th, 2025– Venom! Venom can kill and save lives. Animals use venom in many different ways from defense to killing potential prey. Dive into the many facets of venom from its practical benefits to its medical applications. 7:00-8:00 pm ET On Zoom hosted by the Frederick County Nature Council. Info here.
June 6th, 2025. Bats & moths, oh my! Outdoor program at Evergreen Museum and Library.